Park Rules

As part of the buying process, you will be asked to sign to confirm you agree to the following rules:

These park rules are in place for the good management of Thornton Lodge Country Retreats and the benefit of all who use it. These rules form part of the Licence Agreement that is the contract between us for your occupation of a pitch on the park. They should be read alongside your Licence Agreement. 

The park rules do not affect anything to which you are entitled under the terms of your Licence Agreement. 

For the purpose of these Rules the expression "you" refers to the owner/occupier and the expression "we" refers to the owner of the Thornton Lodge Country Retreats. 

The rules set out below are the "Park Rules" referred to in your Licence Agreement. You are reminded that any breach of these rules is a breach of your Licence Agreement and may result in termination of the Licence Agreement. 

Please make sure that anyone using the lodge is aware of the park rules.


1. All occupiers at the Park must comply with the conditions attached to the site licence which are on display in reception/the office.


2.   You should use the park safely and should not cause danger to others.

3.   You should obey all health and safety notices displayed on the park and act on the reasonable instructions of park staff in matters of health and safety.


4.   You are solely responsible for securing the Lodge.

5.   You may only use alarms of the silent, monitored type and not audible alarms.


6. No holiday homes shall be used for sleeping a number of persons greater than the number for which it was designed.


7.   Only people lawfully staying with your permission have permission to enter the park.

8.   Visitors must leave the Park by 10pm.

9.   We do not permit traders or salesmen access to the Park except with our prior consent.

10. It is your responsibility to ensure that your visitors and occupiers of your holiday home adhere to Park rules.

11. In the event of persistent or serious misconduct by you, a member of your family, your occupiers, visitors or guests, we will follow any relevant notice procedures in the Licence Agreement. We do not have to follow any formal procedure to eject other visitors.


12. Park Management must be given prior notification of any works that may cause a disturbance to other lodges on the park. Work may not commence until approval is obtained from the Park Management and strict working hours are agreed.


13. Owners and visitors must keep to designated tracks at all times and access to the general woodland area is not permitted.


14. You must not change the colour of the exterior of the Lodge or Decking without our prior consent in writing to ensure consistence around the Park.

15. All holiday homes must be maintained in a state capable of movement but may not be moved off the pitch without our prior consent in writing.

16. Nothing may be displayed in the windows or on the exterior a number or a nameplate of a reasonable size.


17. You are responsible for the cleanliness of the Lodge pitch.

18. You are responsible for keeping the area around the Lodge clean and tidy.


19. You must switch off all gas, electricity and water connections when the Lodge is not occupied.

20. If you experience any problem with the park's electrical, gas or water system, you should contact us. You must not attempt to work on any part of the park's electrical, gas or water system yourself; this includes any installations on the pitch.


21. You must not introduce any foreign items into the drainage system including leaning cloths, babies' nappies, sanitary towels, condoms, cooking fat, engine oil, grease or paint.


22. You must not cut any trees or hedges at the park. If you find any tree or hedge a nuisance or unsatisfactory you should take the matter up with us; do not deal with it yourself.

23. You must not plant any tree or shrub.


24. You must not dig any hole at the park.


25. We must be supplied with a set of working keys for each Holiday Home.


26. You must not add an external structure to the holiday Lodge such as a shed, storm porch, walkway or carport without our prior consent in writing.

27. You may only use washing lines of the rotary type.

28. Washing lines may only be sited in a position approved by us because of the risk to health and safety and damage to moving equipment.


29. You must not deposit refuse outside your Lodge. You should use the refuse bins provided.

30. Only household waste should be disposed of in the refuse bins provided. All other refuse must be disposed of off-site.


31. We permit cars onto the park for the purposes of access to the Holiday Lodge only. Accordingly, save to the extent that you may need to do so because of a disability, you must not drive cars round the park for other purposes such as visiting other

locations on the park. We may ask for reasonable evidence of any disability relevant to this rule. You must drive all vehicles on the park carefully and within the displayed speed limit. Other than for delivering goods and services, you must not park or allow parking of commercial vehicles of any sort on the park, including:

•    light commercial or light goods vehicles as described in the vehicle taxation legislation and

•    vehicles intended for domestic use but derived from or adapted from such a commercial vehicle. Quad bikes, trials bikes and scooters are not permitted on the Park.

32. Not more than two cars may be parked at holiday homes without prior permission. Additional cars may be parked in communal parking areas (not spaces adjacent to empty bays)

33. Parking on the grass and roadsides is not permitted.

34. Driving is restricted to the Parks Roads.

35. Motor vehicle repairs may not be carried out at the Park but a recognized breakdown service may attend in the event of a breakdown.

36. You must insure all vehicles you use on the park as for use on the public road.

37. You must insure all accessories and items towed by vehicles (such as towed boats and jet skis) as for use on the public road.

38. You must not keep disused or un-roadworthy vehicles anywhere on the park. We

Reserve the right to remove any vehicle which is apparently abandoned.

39. You are not permitted to give anyone else driving lessons at the Park and we do not permit Learner Drivers to drive.


40. In consideration of other users of the Park, pets are not permitted on the park unless you have obtained our express permission in writing first.

41. You must not exercise dogs on the park.

42. You must keep any dog on a short lead at all times on the park and walks dogs on the gravel roads and woodland areas only.

43. You must clean up if your animal defecates on the park. Doggie waste bins are provided in the Woodland area.

Your Licence Agreement contains undertakings not to cause any nuisance, undue noise or disturbance. These extend to the behaviour of pets and animals. 

Nothing in these park rules prevents you from bringing an assistance dog to the park if this is required to support your disability and Assistance Dogs UK or any successor body i1as 

Issued you with an Identification Book or other appropriate evidence. 


44. Please respect the privacy of other holiday Lodge owners and keep noise to a

Minimum with absolute quiet between 2300 hours and 0800 hours.

45. You must finish any barbecues or party by 10pm.

46. You must finish any party by 10pm.

47. Please keep away from any vacant plots.

48. Alcoholic drinks may be consumed only in and around the immediate vicinity of your holiday home, within the boundaries of your pitch

49. The use of a hosepipe is not permitted.

50. You must not use a drone, powered model aircraft or any other powered flying object on the park. 

51. You must not use any Chinese lanterns, fireworks or similar.

52. You may not ride bicycles, scooters (or similar) so as to cause a nuisance or undue noise.

53. Bird Feeders are not permitted on the park unless you have obtained our express permission in writing first.


54. You may only play ball and other games within the confines of your pitch and in the areas set aside for recreation.

55. You may not fly kites on the park.

56. You may not use skateboards, roller-skates, rollerblades or micro scooters on the


57. Drone flying is not permitted anywhere in the Park.


58. You may not use the park address for postal deliveries.


59. You may not use fire hoses for any improper purpose such as washing cars or boats.

60. You must ensure that all occupants of your Lodge are familiar with the location of the Fire Points and the contents of the Fire Notices displayed at each point.

61. You must not store fuels or combustible materials other than removal containers on the park.


62. The Park Management will audit the park to ensure that the Park Rules are adhered to. Any contraventions will be reported in writing and any corrective action must be applied immediately, upon request.


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